Creative Youth Ideas Christmas Collection

May 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Exciting Event Planning Guide

Creative Youth Ideas Christmas Collection
Everything You Need To Plan Your Christmas Event Or Party: Icebreakers, Games, Devotions, Spiritual Lessons, Illustrations And More!
Creative Youth Ideas Christmas Collection

The Dinner Events Profits System – How To Host Social Dinner Parties
How To Host Restaurant Dinner Parties, Dinners For Six, Small Group Dinners, Dinner Discussion Groups, Plus Larger Sized Dinner Events. This Plan Shows How You Can Create Your Own Social Dinner Group And Create Events That Are Fun And Make An Income.
The Dinner Events Profits System – How To Host Social Dinner Parties

The Complete Guide to Successful Event Planning with Companion CD-ROM REVISED 2nd Edition

May 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Exciting Event Planning Guide

The Complete Guide to Successful Event Planning with Companion CD-ROM REVISED 2nd Edition

Gathering people together for a special event is always a challenge even for the experienced planner for each event is unique. This book is designed to empower any planner to meet all challenges that surround a production. Whether you find yourself in charge of one important event or you have chosen event planning as a career, you want your events to be incredibly successful and remembered for years to come. A memorable event is one that flows smoothly with every detail carefully orchestrated an

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Corporate Event Management Makes the Event Superb and Exclusive

May 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Exciting Event Planning Guide

Corporate Event Management Makes the Event Superb and Exclusive

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Corporate Event Management Makes the Event Superb and Exclusive – Business – Management

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Success of a corporate event is much depended on the management and services of that event. However, it is managed by experienced planners who understand the ultimate aim of organizing such an event. Today, event management services are offered by companies who specialize in corporate event management. It is a part of corporate culture that manages and arranges a number of events. There are several corporate events including award presentations, trade shows, new product intros, marketing conferences, road shows, exhibitions, reception, wedding party, birthday party, etc that need proper management and employing of services to make them successful.

Corporate event management encompasses the study of the intricacies of different brands, recognizing the target audience, creating event models and above all planning the logistics. The basic requirement for corporate event management is a well planning and arrangement from start to finish. However, the event management services depend on the nature of event as well as the targeted audience. For making the event exclusive and superb, event management service providers manage and arrange all the essential things necessary for the event.

Corporate event management service providers also sponsor your event online and provide with integrate system to collect online as well as offline payments, send invitations online, manage tickets and provide advanced reporting system. As these event planners offer online services, they inform attendees about an event with custom-made email. Above all, these planners present a vital solution to help you create event tickets, get the web ticket sales on the right track and record the details while promoting and selling tickets online.

These planners give you flexibility to manage your events in an ideal way and allow the organizer to add, review, remove or change any event detail and above all help to edit events even after they are live. These professionals have the proficiency of handling all the points of special corporate events such as right venue, cuisine and entertainment. In simple words, these event management service providers are outfitted to manage all problems that may come with planning a corporate event.

Several corporate events management companies have a great deal of experience handling the type of situation that a corporate house planned. These professional planners are adapted to handling the details of a major event and have doubtless experience. A corporate event management service provider manages and arranges state-of-the-art services that an event requires.

About the Author offers convenient online event registration service and online ticketing solutions for Corporate Event Management, seminars, meetings, etc. It is the best place to find the best Event Management Services for arranging various types of events.

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The Essentials Of Event Planning – Easy Steps That Secure Success

May 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Exciting Event Planning Guide

If you’ve ever planned or hosted an event you know how overwhelming it can be. Attending to every small detail can leave you wishing the party was over before it even began. This is even more magnified if you are overseeing a large event such as a wedding or a dinner party for business associates. Something always seems to go wrong and it leaves the person in charge of event planning carrying the burden of the blame.

There are steps you can take to guarantee that the party will be a roaring success. One of those steps is to hire an event planner. If you really do feel as though all the small details are too much for you, you might consider hiring someone who specializes in event planning. There are many reputable companies who can offer you their services for a fee. All you do is explain the event to them, including your preferences when you wish to have the event, the theme of it and the menu and they handle the rest. The onus of the work is on them, and with their experience they can create exactly the type of gathering that you envision.

If finances are a concern and you can’t afford the luxury of a professional event planning service, there are things that you can do that will help your event run as smoothly as possible. Here are a few ideas:

Keep an ongoing list. Plan your event by writing down everything you need to do. As you complete those tasks, stroke them off the list and add new ones as needed.

Choose a theme that is appropriate for all guests. It might be difficult for some people to rent or purchase special outfits for a theme party, so try and make it something that is accesible and affordable for every guest.

Send out invitations or call with your invitation well in advance. Life is busy for many people and giving them sufficient notice will enable them to handle any arrangements they need to make, such as child care.

Choose a menu that isn’t too exotic. Although many people welcome new tastes, it’s often more appropriate to offer menu items that all guests are familiar with, this way they won’t be concerned about possible food allergies or digestive conflicts, if they know exactly what they are eating consists of.

Enjoy the event. Often the host becomes so overburdened with party details that he or she neglects their own enjoyment. Plan the event so you will have free time during it to mingle with your guests.

Event planning can be a tedious task, but with proper organization the work involved in planning the party or event can be well worth it. Getting together with family, friends or business associates in a social setting, is a great way to connect and communicate. With some attention to details before, the party can be a huge and often very fun success.

Planning the Perfect Party or Event

May 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Exciting Event Planning Guide

The top ten tips of planning your own party

Five do’s of party planning

  • Do –prepare so you can be a guest at your own party
  • Prepartion is the key to success so plan, plan, and plan. You will have to plan everything down to the last detail if you want to create the wow factor. Plan details such as:

    • Invitations
    • props to create atmosphere
    • Venue
    • parking
    • Catering
    • level of noise
    • theme/style
    • entertainment
    • Hire equipment
    • licence for alcohol
    • Table decoration
    • lighting
    • event schedule
    • get your timings right on the night
  • Do-organise, organise, organise
  • Organise your event; there is nothing more disappointing than a disorganized, chaotic event both to the guest and the host. Organization will provide a well orchestrated, smoothly run enjoyable event.
    If organization is not your strength either delegate or use tools to help such as lists, diaries, timetables or a party planning service such as

  • Do-add a theme or style as it gives the event focus
  • Decide on a theme or style, it enables the event to be planned around it and gives the whole event focus and cohesion. For example do you want the event to reflect your personality or a special occasion so that you can make the event memorable for all the right reasons!

  • Do-plan ahead and stick to timeframes
  • Keep to timeframes especially if you want a choice of items and entertainment for your event.The invitations should be sent out with enough time for people to RSVP but not too early that they will forget about it altogether. Equipment hire definitely needs to be ordered well in advance especially if it is more specialized such as casino tables or live bands.

    Catering is also well worth having organized and ordered in advance otherwise it ends up looking as if you have thrown together a few frozen sausage rolls and watery quiches.It goes back to planning and organizing well in advance and doing everything in a sequential order.

  • Do-delegate
  • Delegation is essential to allowing the host the luxury of feeling relatively stress free and relaxed on the evening.If you know family and friends that are willing to help and they have particular skills then delegate that task to them. If someone within your family and friends is a great cook then get them involved in the catering. If another family member has an interest in flower arranging then you may wish to involve them in the table decorations.

    Definitely delegate as many tasks as you can but a word of caution will be to check regularly on progress and oversee the final items. Try to give clear instructions and timescales to others as they may not understand your schedule or vision.

Five don’ts of party planning

  1. Don’t-panic, keep your cool
  2. If you follow the top ten tips then the party will run smoothly. If you indulge in panic then you end up being incapable of enjoying yourself on the night. Try to keep all the planning and organization simple and definitely keep it within your capabilities. Remember to keep the event in perspective as even if it is an important the focus is for people to enjoy themselves including you.

  3. Don’t-exceed the budget
  4. Stick to your original budget. When setting the budget for your party ensure that a realistic budget is set and that everything you want to provide such as catering, alcohol and entertainment are included in your calculations. Shop around and get the best price from the suppliers for your money without compromising on quality.

    If on a small budget then keep it simple, adding a few luxury items such as snacks,drinks or decorations will definitely add to that wow factor.

  5. Don’t-try to achieve the impossible
  6. Throwing money at something doesn’t equate to success, people will appreciate the small attention to detail rather than showy extravagance. The lavish showbusines events are usually organized by experienced professional party planners with plenty of expertise. So don’t plan something that is going to make you feel out of your depth or enlist the assistance of a party planning

  7. Don’t-underestimate
  8. Always be sure of the numbers of guests and all of their special needs such as dietary requirements. Always check the resources before the event and that your suppliers are still able to do the job required as there have been occasions when the caterers have been unable to provide the food and guests have had to eaten Chinese take away!!

    Also check timings and the event schedule for the night and try and stick to it as there is always someone who drinks too much or turn up unannounced or things just take longer than anticipated.

  9. Don’t-forget yourself
  10. If the event is a special occasion don’t leave your personal preparations to the last minute as you may well be needed to sort out any last minute problems at the event.
    Above all –don’t forget to enjoy yourself!

Planning Your Next Event: Can All Speakers Talk?

May 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Exciting Event Planning Guide

Although it was flattering to receive an invitation to speak on his specialist subject, David Johnson had never presented to a large audience before. He was nervous, not only about the reception his ideas would receive but also about his under-developed presentation skills. The invitation provided him with no help on either topic and asked only for a written version of the talk on disk in advance of the event.

Some seminars are simply a list of guest speakers following one another onto the stage to describe their experiences or to stimulate controversy with a new theory. Other events will invite a single guest speaker to add authority to the subject matter and to give the audience a change of face and a change of pace.

In order to get the best possible performance from your speakers, they need to be cosseted, spoiled and micro-managed. Those with a top reputation in their field will be expensive and in high demand so make your booking really far in advance; twelve months is not uncommon. You may get lucky with a late cancellation but don’t put money on it!

Treat your speakers like the honored guests that they are. Take care of their travel arrangements, accommodation and rehearsal with enormous attention to detail. Brief them thoroughly about the event, listen carefully to their needs, act quickly and appropriately to solve problems and collect feedback from the audience specifically for them.

When using a series of speakers talking on a specific subject, it helps if the audience is not exposed to excessive repetition. Take care to produce a brief for each speaker that considers the subject from different angles and check that they are not straying too far from their given viewpoint as they develop their presentations.

To achieve maximum value from their presentations, especially where the event has scientific or technical merit, it is fairly customary to publish the proceedings of the event as a complete volume. However to acquire the narrative of a 30-minute talk may need one or two month’s notice to your speakers followed by a series of regular reminders. Remember that they will almost all have a real job to do as well as preparing for your event.

Much better to video record the seminar and make the DVD available to delegates a week or two later.

The largest assumption and therefore the largest mistake that an event organizer can make is to presuppose that all speakers have highly developed presentation skills. Many theoretical experts do not have the flair to make a talk stimulating, however your event would lose the necessary balance if some opinions were unrepresented.

For David Johnson, his nervousness was eased greatly by the event organizers. They called him regularly to check progress and, through informal discussion, discovered his apprehension about speaking to a large audience. By recommending a voice and presentation coach who was able to improve his capability and confidence, the organizers guaranteed success not only for themselves, but for David too.

Planning An Event: If You Think You Can’t, You’re Right.

May 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Exciting Event Planning Guide

It was their company’s first ever breakfast seminar. Sally Thompson had never designed a seminar before. She knew the start time, the finish time and had a list of presentations that had to be made but could she make it fit?

Remember that, for maximum impact, each hour of an event should be divided equally into one third listening, one third discussing and one third doing. So, for every hour you really only need a script for twenty minutes and, if you are using a PowerPoint type presentation, a well-paced speaker will “talk to” one slide of the presentation every 3 minutes on average. You therefore need around 7 text slides each with no more than 7 bullet points to generate a one-hour chunk of the event.

This is obviously a rough guide but when you consider writing event material in this way, it can remove some of the fear factor. Most delegates will be satisfied with your normal product literature and a copy of the slides printed out as lecture notes with a space to add their own observations. If there is no-one in your organization with the time or the skill to write the presentation material you will find many creative writers who have presentation experience and who will be happy to script your presentation for a reasonable fee.

For workshops, you will need to design some activities to allow people to put the theories being taught into practice. This is most often a paperwork exercise that falls naturally from the subject matter; however, it is sometimes useful to ask people to participate in an abstract exercise that will generate emotion and stress. Their spontaneous language and behavior can then be observed to illustrate key points in subjects like, team-working, customer service, anger management, delegation and leadership. These abstract games tend to be large-scale puzzles and obstacle courses using fairly simple props that can be rented from corporate entertainment suppliers.

One such puzzle used to stimulate discussions about organization, motivation and teamwork is called Chinese Crackers after the parlor game on which it is based. A pile of 7 cushions (crackers) of different sizes, the smallest being about 50cm square and the largest being about 1.5m square, are piled up in one corner of the room. The “team” must rebuild the stack in another corner of the room; a third corner is used for temporary storage. It sounds straightforward but there are two firm “rules”:

  • Only smaller cushions can be placed on top of larger cushions
  • Only one cushion should be in transit at any one time

Sane people are very quickly turned into frenzied factotums forgetting everything they ever knew about planning, observation, review and positive thinking as they lose faith in their ability to pile cushions against the clock.

For anyone who has ever tried the parlor game, they will know that the answer is not complex but requires finding a pattern in which to move the cushions and then sticking to it.

Using this simple structure, Sally soon realized that she was in danger of trying to fit a quart into a pint pot. Her original plan of one breakfast seminar turned into a series of weekly breakfast workshops that gave delegates enough meat to chew on and discuss but left them hungry for more.

Planning A Successful Event – Finding The Right Speaker

May 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Exciting Event Planning Guide

The key elements in finding the right speaker for your event involve the following

  1. Start Planning Early
  2. Start your planning process well in advance of your meeting date.
    Locations should be secured at least one year in advance. Speakers often get booked well in advance. The more popular a speaker is the more difficult it can be to book them at short notice. Not only do you face the possibility that they are not available but they could also be booked to speak on the day before or after the day you want them in a location that prevents them traveling to your venue.

  3. Have A Focus
  4. Knowing what your goal is in having the event in the first place will help you zero in on what topics are the most relevant. Evaluations and surveys.

  5. Know Your Audience
  6. The better you know your audience the more effective you are going to be in making the right choice when it comes to choosing speakers and topics.

  7. What Topic do you want the speaker to address?
  8. Determine whether you want a speaker on leadership, customer service, marketing or another topic. Be as specific as possible. Is the topic you have chosen best suited to an opening or closing keynote, luncheon presentation or breakout session? You could also consider a keynote address with a breakout session offered to those participants who want to learn more about that particular subject.

  9. Determine Your Speaker Budget.
  10. Are the speaker’s fees and travel expenses paid out of the same budget?

    Finding speakers who are located in the same town where you are holding your meeting can save you money. When speakers do not have to get on a plane to travel to a venue they often offer “local fees” and there are either no, or low travel expenses.

    Most speakers not only want to give an effective presentation that is memorable and has substance but they want to give value or can provide value-added services.

    In order to keep a cap on the associated travel expenses you can also request an estimate of the travel expenses i.e. round trip airfare, ground transportation and per diem and then either have the separate amounts for each one of these written into the contract or come up with a total amount i.e. $750.00 that covers all associated travel expenses.

  11. Request Promotional Videos and DVD’s
  12. Viewing speaker videos will give you an idea of a speaker’s presentation style and delivery and help to determine whether they have a style that fits well with your audience and the tone of your meeting.

  13. Ask for references
  14. If you are interested in a speaker who does not have a promotional video or DVD ask for 3 or 4 references from people they have spoken for in the past twelve months.

Planning a New Years Eve Party for Kids

May 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Exciting Event Planning Guide

When most people think of a New Years Eve party, they picture a party with mostly adults and do not usually think of children when considering these types of parties. However, each year many New Years Eve parties either include kids or are planned specifically for kids. Whether you are planning to throw a New Years Eve party for your children or your friends or are simply planning to allow your adult guests to bring their children to the party, there are some considerations which must be taken when planning a New Years Eve party.

One of the most obvious considerations is alcohol consumption. Obviously it is inappropriate to allow minors to consume alcohol so the party host should plan on other beverages for the children at the party. They might want to consider serving mocktails which are non alcoholic versions of cocktails. These mocktails are a lot of fun and will help to prevent the children from being envious of the drinks the adults are enjoying because they will have their own fun and colorful drinks. When creating mocktails for children it is important to focus on the presentation. Creating colorful drinks and serving them in festive glasses is a good idea. The host should also give some consideration for alcohol consumption for adults and might consider placing a drink limitation to prevent the adult guests from becoming inebriated during the party.

Food should also be carefully considered when planning a New Years Eve party which will include children. This is important because children can be rather picky about their food. Fortunately appetizers are perfect for New Years Eve celebrations and most kids enjoy appetizers. Foods such as mini pizzas, hot dogs and hamburgers are particularly popular with kids. Similarly, simple foods such as cut up pieces of fruit or cheese or also popular with kids. The host may wish to plan on having an assortment of kid friendly appetizers as well as more sophisticated appetizers for the adults. One example of a cute food idea is to have sushi for the adults and to make an appetizer resembling sushi for the kids. This can be done by cutting the crusts of pieces of white bread, spreading peanut butter on the bread and layering pieces of strawberry on the peanut butter. The bread can then be rolled up and cut to resemble pieces of sushi. The kids will enjoy having an appetizer that looks like what the adults are eating but will also enjoy the taste of their own unique snack.

Another factor to consider when planning a New Years Eve party for kids is the lateness of the party. Depending on the age of the children, the kids might have difficulty staying up until midnight and may become cranky in the late evening hours. If the children are particularly young and staying up would be difficult for everyone, the host can consider making the event a sleepover party and staging an early celebration for the kids. The adults can set the clocks ahead and orchestrate a mock New Years celebration at a more kid friendly hour such as 9:00 pm. After a brief celebration the kids can all retire to an out of the way location, with an adult chaperone, such as a finished basement or an upstairs bedroom. The chaperone can stay with the children until they all fall asleep and then use a baby monitor to return to the party while continuing to monitor the children. The adults can then continue the party and celebrate the real New Year at midnight.

Planning a Vegetarian New Years Eve Party

May 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Exciting Event Planning Guide

If you are already in the process of planning a New Years Eve party you might want to consider making the event a vegetarian event. There are a number of reasons why you might want to plan a vegetarian New Years Eve party. This article will take a look at some of these reasons and will also examine some of the unique aspects of planning a vegetarian New Years Eve party to assists hosts who plan to throw this type of event in planning a successful party.

One of the most popular reasons a host might decide to host a vegetarian event is because she herself is a vegetarian and she wants to share some of her favorite recipes with her friends even if they are not all vegetarians. Although a vegetarian may also opt to serve both vegetarian and meat based items at the party and simply not consume any meat herself, when she opts to exclude meat from the party it is usually for the purpose of sharing something that is important to her with her guests.

Another reason a host might opt to throw a vegetarian New Years Eve party is to save money on the costs of food. Hosting a party, especially for a large number of people can be quite expensive especially if you plan to serve expensive dishes containing meat. One way to cut down on the cost of the party is to substitute hearty vegetarian dishes in place of the more expensive meat dishes. If well prepared, most guests will not even miss the presence of the meat.

Still another reason a host might decide to throw a vegetarian New Years Eve party is the exclusion of meat may fit in well with the theme of the party. With a number of diets currently popular, a host may opt to throw a party based on the principles of a particular diet such as the raw diet which focuses on consuming uncooked foods such as fruits, vegetables, grains and nuts.

Regardless of the reason for throwing a vegetarian New Years Eve party, the guest does have to do a certain amount of planning and preparation to ensure the event is completely vegetarian. One way to do this is to consult vegetarian cookbooks to search for recipes which will make a good edition to the party menu. When selecting these recipes, it is important to follow each recipe carefully and not make any substitutions. This is important because items you may substitute into the recipes may contain animal products. Making these substitutions will result in your dishes not being completely vegetarian.

Alternately another way to provide a vegetarian menu is to make the event a potluck. This is especially a good idea if the majority of the guests are also vegetarians because they likely already have a number of vegetarian recipes to share. However, if most of the guests are not vegetarians, they may have difficulty deciding what to bring and may also inadvertently include ingredients with animal products in the food.

Another important thing to keep in mind when planning a vegetarian New Years Eve party is that it is important to make sure the guests are aware of your intentions. This is especially important if the event is going to be a potluck. However, it is also courtesy even if you will be preparing all of the food so the guests know what to expect when they attend the party.

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