6 Ways To Promote Your Events To Your External Customers

May 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Planning Event on Budget

You want your next event to be perfect. You want to make sure that you are including everyone that you can so that you are making this party the best that you can. The only way that you can do this is if you include all of your internal and external customers.

  1. The first thing that you want to do is make sure that you are sending out the right invitations. You want your external customers to get the invitation early so that they can make the necessary arrangements to get there. They will feel good when they are informed early about the special party as well.
  2. You will want to make your customers feel special. Give them a reason to want to come and give their support. You want them to have a special feeling like they are very important and you want and need them to come to the party. You will have a better chance at them showing up and making your party a great success as well.
  3. Send them a personalized letter that is stating how important it is that they show up to your great event. You want them to feel special and important when they receive the letter. You will want them to feel this way so that they are sure to come along to your party.
  4. Keep in contact with all the external customers that you have. You want to keep the lines of communication open so that you have more of an advantage over everyone else. You will have the feeling of getting more positive feed back when you are staying informed and in contact with your external customers.
  5. Find ways to meet the needs of your external customers. You will want to stay up on the current status of your customers. Keep in contact with them so that you are able to keep things moving in the right direction. You want to stay in contact with the customers that are giving you positive feedback. You should invite them to your events and make them feel that they are very special to you and your party.
  6. You should make sure that you are promoting your event and letting people know how great the party is going to be. You can let your former external customers know as well as the current ones how great this party is going to be. You will want to show them the great way that you can make this event wonderful. You want them to be a part of it so that they are finding out what they need to do and how to have the most fun that they can have.

You will want to ensure that your event is a great success and that everyone that is invited shows up. You want them to feel very good about the party and that they are going to have a great time. Getting all of your external customers there is something that will defiantly make sure that you are having the best event ever. You can find many different ways to stay in contact with your external customers and keep them satisfied.

If you are not sure what you can do to help yourself keep in contact with your external customers, you can hire a professional event planner to keep you informed with the great ideas that will help you in the long run. You will find it better for your event and for future parties as well.

6 Factors To Look Out For When Planning The Event Itinerary

May 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Planning Event on Budget

When it comes to planning an event, you need to do the even itinerary as well. You need to have everything timed to the T. You need to make sure that you stay on track and keep the event moving forward, or your guests will get bored and stop paying attention to all the events that are going around them. Here are a few things that you should think about when it comes to planning your event itinerary.

First, you need to make sure that you place everything in an order that makes sense. You will want to have the presentation move forwards with transistors so that the events plans make sense. You need to make sure that you take your time when it comes to the event itinerary. Everything needs to be related and mesh well together. If you truly want something that seems a little bit of an odd ball, then make an announcement of why it was so important to you to include the bit. That way everyone understands the program and event.

Secondly, you need to think about the time. You need to have enough time for the presenters to make a point, but not where they steal the show. Usually, you can give a speaker 10-15 minutes. Don’t over load the program either. People do want some down time. If this event is going to be over dinner, let the people eat a little before you start. This way they are ready for the rest of the events.

Besides overloading, you need to look at the itinerary to see if you have enough things going on. You may need to add some speakers to the event to take up some time. You need to make sure that your program is not packed full or missing something. You don’t want to give the audience a lot of down time, but two or so minutes here and there is a great idea.

Next, you need to be prepared when people go over their time. What will you do if someone takes 20 minutes instead of 15? Well keep things flowing by shorting your parts and find other ways to take care of the time. Five minutes may not be a lot, but what if everyone takes extra time? You will have to think about these things.

You should also consider taking people out of the program or introduce them to the program. Do not place them in the itinerary, but give them a big and warm introduction and tell the audience that they are a guest speaker. This way you can use up the extra time, but if you don’t have any extra time then you don’t have to use them.

Finally, you should get someone to review the itinerary before printing. Make sure that everything is spelled correctly and verify names. You need to make it look very professional without any errors. Then you can have them printed off for all the guests. You should make sure that it goes to the printer on time as well so that you don’t panic in the end.

The itinerary will substitute for the program and it can be just a list of events. You don’t have to get fancy with the itinerary. In fact, this is the cheap way to give out a program. You should stick with the itinerary during the event so that everyone knows that the program is going forward. Also, it can be a relief to see how much longer it is to some. Make sure that you have a perfect itinerary before sending them out to the speakers and guests because you don’t want anyone to become offended.

4 Ways To Ensure That Your Event Will Go As Planned

May 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Planning Event on Budget

When you are trying to plan a great event, you want to everything perfect so that it all goes as planned. This may not always be easy and in fact you will have to work hard at it to make sure that it does go the way that you are hoping. You should not get all worked up about your event. As long as you have the right materials and the work ethic to do it, you will have a great and successful time.

There are four ways to ensure that your event will just as you have planned. You will first want to make a budget. Once you know how much you can afford to spend on this special occasion, you will then be able to plan out all that you have to spend on your purchases.

This will give you some kind of start so that you can follow through on it. It is very important to stick to your budget so that you are not forced to go over and have to find ways to pay the extra cost.

Once you have the budget in place you will want to make a list. This is the second way to ensure that everything goes as planned. Once you have the list of all the materials and things that you need to plan out, you will then be on your way to making the most of your special occasion. You will want to figure out the different things that you will need and then go from there. This will be the best way to make sure that you are getting good deals on all the things that you are in need of.

Make sure that you are checking things off of your list as they are done. You will want to do this so that you are not forgetting to take care of something and this will help you leave nothing undone. You will find that planning out the event will go a lot easier and quicker when you have a great plan to move on with. This will be a very good way to stay organized and on track.

The third way to ensure that your event goes as plannedis to make sure that you have a lot of help. You do not want to take on all the challenges of running an event yourself. You want to have as much help as you can so that you are able to make the most of your special day. You want to have friends help you out as much as possible as well as even hiring some extra hands to get everything done for you.

They will also be able to keep an eye on things at the event. They can watch over and make sure that all is running smoothly and if there is a problem, they can try and fix it before you even find out about it. This will be a great help and also take some of the stress off of you when the time comes.

The fourth way to make sure that you are succeeding with your planned event is to have a lot of patience. You do not want to get yourself worked up too much. You want to make sure that you are calm and collected so that you can handle any problems that may come up at the event. You will feel better and be able to relax when you are in control of the situation. This is something that a lot of people do not do and they will find that they have no fun at their own party.

You did all this planning and hard work and you should be able to enjoy it as much as you can. Calm down and have patience. Things are going to go wrong and there is nothing that you can do about it. All you can do is work through it and hope for the best.

10 Tips On How To Be An Excellent Event Planner

May 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Great Event Planning Tips

There are many tips that you can use to become an event planner and become one of the best, however, you need to know that to become an excellent event planner you need to pay attention to the fine details and offer the best to your clients. This can take a lot of time from your day-to-day activities. To become an event planner you need to put forth a lot of energy and time.

  1. The first tip and the most important one is that you need to get in contact with some of the best supplies. You need to have a business contract and connection with many suppliers so that you can offer the best to your clients. Remember when you have the best suppliers; your reputation will be excellent.
  2. Also, always give your clients options. Have a least a dozen venders that you work with on a regular basis so that your clients can choose from a few options. When you give your clients options they will feel more evolved in the planning process.
  3. You need to think about what kind of events that you will plan. They can be small dinners to huge weddings so you need to come up with creative ways to bring life to a party. There are going to be a lot of signatures styles, but if you continuously research then you can keep up on trends and event activities.
  4. When you are doing a wedding that is multicultural, you need to learn about both of the cultures that they want present in the wedding. This will give you a better understanding of the traditions that they want to honor.
  5. You also need to think about your location of business. Is your office somewhere respectable or in the ghetto? You need to make sure that your clients are going to feel comfortable in your office. This way you can have more cliental.
  6. As an event planner you need to learn how to communicate effectively. You need to know what is acceptable and what is not by reviewing all your details with the clients. The party isn’t about you, but the clients. You need to keep that in mind. Even if you think sometime is wrongfully place, listen to your clients needs and wants.
  7. Another way for you to enhance your reputation is to keep ties with the clients who were very pleased with your performance. Use them as references, but always ask before giving out any information. This way you can give future clients and idea of your quality.
  8. You may also want to ask your clients if you can take general pictures of the event so that future clients will be able to see what exactly you are capable of doing. This is will make a lot of people hire you on the spot.
  9. Talk to the client and set a budget before contacting any of your suppliers. This way you can communicate effectively with your suppliers and clients. You can offer the best possible solutions and ideas within a budget. If you can pull off an extraordinary event within a budget, then you will be recommended to everyone. There are only two things that matter and that is the design and cost of an event.
  10. Finally, you need to have a personality that allows you to interact with others and really hear what others want. You need to have the strength to handle everything with a collective attitude, as well as, make the planning process fun for your clients. Your personality and the way you handle things makes a huge difference in being a successful event coordinator or an okay planner.

10 Ideas On Creating Exciting Event Themes

May 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Great Event Planning Tips

If you are trying to plan an event that is different and entertaining, you may find that it is not always easy. You will sometimes run into a brick wall when it comes time for you to choose a special theme for your occasion. You will want your event to go as well as possible. You want to have the perfect theme that will grab everyone’s attention and have him or her excited about coming to your party.

The one thing that you will have to do when you are trying to figure out a them for your event is think about what type it is. You should think about what the event is being held for and something that is associated with it. Once you find out what your event is for, you will then be able to quickly think about different things that you can do to make it great. You want to have a theme that will stand out and get them interested in your party.

There are many different ideas that you can use for creating exciting event themes. You can do something fun for the kids. You will want to make a kids event jammed packed with fun and entertaining items. You want them to keep their attention on the event and busy while they are there. You can use some fun colors and keep the event decorated in an upbeat manner so that the kids have a great time.

Another idea for kids is to have special characters there. You can hire certain cartoon characters and other fascinating entertainers to keep the crowd motivated and happy to be there. You can also incorporate a child’s favorite type of project or hobby. You can use sports and many other fun filled activities to keep them from being bored or getting out of control.

Third, you can have a costume party. This is a great way to get people to have fun and get a little bit wild for a great time out. Your event will be fun and leaving your guests wanting more. For the fourth ideas you can have some really great games to play. Anyone that goes to an event wants to do something fun and exciting. They do not want to be sitting in a corner all night talking to one person. Have some great games that will keep the guests happy and motivated to have even more fun later on.

The fifth reason can be dancing. Usually everyone will love to hear music and you can hire a DJ to play everyone’s favorite music and they can dance to great tunes that will keep them grooving all night long. This will surely add some fun to your event. You can have everyone dance and even come up with a contest to keep him or her moving along with the beat.

For the sixth reason, you can use decorations to make the event great. You can find many different things that will bring life and entertainment to your event. For the seventh reason, you can make your own special designs and theme your party any way that you want. You can use different colors and objects to add some fun and flair to your event.

For the eighth reason, you can use food to create a great theme for your event. You can use any type of food that you want and make your party special. You can have different foods from different ethnic backgrounds to help you with your party planning. You can use any or all-different types of unique foods to make the occasion a little different.

Surprise events are a great way to have a theme. This is the ninth creative way to make your event more exciting to everyone. You can make the party a surprise for someone and use this as your theme. This will be a lot of fun to keep it a secret and to have someone pleasantly surprised about your event.

The tenth idea for your event is to have it as a charity event. This is something that you can bet will bring a lot of different people to your event. You can raise some money for a very special cause in your life and one that you care a great bit for. You will be able to have everyone that attends your event pitch in and donate some thing towards the fund.

8 Tips To Transform Your Event Venue

May 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Great Event Planning Tips

When it comes to transforming an event venue you can do a lot wit nothing. You can change the whole mood of a place by following some of the easiest tips found here. You should be able to take a dark room and fill it with romance or make a silly room serious. All you have to do is think about the mood that you want and where you stand in progress. Usefully ever venue needs some decorations to make things seem easier to fit into the events ambiance.

First, you need to add a splash of color and boldness. You can add some boldness by getting some nice things like cloths and other decorations to bundle or design your room with. If you get a lot of long sheets of interesting fabric you will be able to add both color and boldness to the venue. You can let them hang from the ceiling or have them gently flow through the room. Your creativity has no limits when it comes to adding colors and boldness. The only thing that you want to avoid is colors that will be too bright for the occasion. If you are going for romance stick with red hues; if you are going for party, stick with some of the brighter and bold colors. The decorations are at your discretion, but first, you need to make sure that you don’t have any limits because of venue rules. Simply ask before siging a contract with them.

You should also think about small, little things that will be great accents. You can go to make low-priced craft places and find a million things to use as accents. You may want to purchase a bag filled with seashells are you may want to use simple things like petals and pearls. When it comes to romance, you can’t get any more romantic than with rose petals and pearl beads. If you are on a budget, you can find plenty of things like fake crystals, pieces of glass, stones, and other things to place on the tables to accent the place. If using smaller objects to give the venue a hint of mood changing, you can change the complete look by assign height.

When you go to ass some height you will want to use tall things to add some height to the room. You may want to use things like pillars or candle holders to get the dimension going. If you have a small place, the height will give you some added depth to the place. You should also know that if you use tall center pieces, this will work too. The only thing is that you want to make sure that the items will not easily be knocked over. This can save a lot of your guests from being hurt.

Also, if you use a matching décor, you can take out of the darkness and add a good bit of color. However, you don’t want too much color so if you match the tablecloths with the floor runner or to some of the other decorations it will all seem to come together. If that doesn’t do the trick, then flowers will.

When you use flowers you are able to change the room entirely. This tends to make everything seem brighter and glowing. If you want radiance, you should order some flowers to be set down here and there. You don’t have to go overboard on the flowers, but if you watch your budget, you should be able to squeeze precious flowers in here and there.

However, maybe it is not the décor of the room, but the size of the room that bothers you. If you change the tables in the venue, you will be able to make the room feel smaller or bigger. For rooms or venues that are smaller, you should add round tables in the place. The round tables will give the illusion that there is more room, and also your guests will be able to feel it. If you would like to make a larger room appear to be smaller you can always add long tables into the mix.

The last tip is the lighting. The lighting is everything in a mood. If you want people to be aware and place bids or donations, you will want the lighting to be fairly bright. This will get the attention of the guests, but it won’t give them a headache. You should also dim the lights if you want a night of romance and passion to b present.

9 Key Ideas To Make Your Event A Successful One

There are many factors that make an event successful, however, there are just nine listed here that will make your event a definite success. You will have to pay attention to all details of the event and make sure that you stay on top of things for the event to really take off.

First, you need to make sure that you plan everything. You should plan for the best, worst, and expected scenes. When you do this you end up having all your bases covered. You have backup plans to help you with your problems and you also don’t have time to panic because you’ve planned that well. You need to make sure that you look at everything. What’s the worst that can happen? Always plan for the worst, because you never know.

While you are planning, make sure that you stay organized. The worst thing that you can do is throw all your beautiful plans in one big pile and expect to find things at last minute or lose vital information. To stay organized you need to keep all your contracts and important information in a binder. When you keep things in the bind you know exactly where everything is and what you need to do at all times. However, bind the papers. When you bind the papers you are more likely to not lose all the information in some accident. Also, make sure you have it on you at all times so that you can immediately put things in the binder.

To start the party off on the right foot, you need to make sure that you pick the right venue, theme, and everything else. When it comes to the right venue, you need to make sure that all your guests can come to the place without ease and that it is appropriate for the event. You don’t want to have a ball at a hunting lodge, or maybe you do, it just depends on what you want the night to say. Right from the start you can have a perfect event by selecting the perfect place to hold the event.

Once you have picked out your location you can then begin to plan the event. The first thing that you need to plan when it comes to the event is the theme. Make sure that your theme is exactly what you are going for. You need to use your theme to help coordinate all the other details of the event and the theme will help you in making some very important decisions. In fact, the theme is everything. It is the first thing that you should define.

Once you have the theme you can then think about the party or event. There are two important factors of every event, they just so happen to be the food and drinks. You will want to make sure that you form a contract with some of the best caters in the area to ensure that your party or event ends splendidly. Also, you should know that this is so important that it can literally make or break your event. With bad food comes bad ratings and you’re sure thing for failure. Once you have booked the caters and sampled everything you will feel more confident. Also, think about the drinks. You may not want to offer a cash bar or open bar. They both can be expensive in their own ways, however, if you limit your bar you can make it seem like an open bar, but you can limit your budget.

Once you have the food and drinks planned you can move onto entertainment. You will want something that will keep your guests entertained and be educational and fun. You can have a band or singer to help entertain. If you are a charity, you should make sure that you inform your audience about the cause and the importance of their help, most of all, donations.

To help you with everything you need to have good venders. Venders are what make the party. You should always be kind to your suppliers because you never know when you will need them the most. Don’t be surprised if mistreated vendors breech contract and not even show up. You’ll look ridiculous not having a dinner minutes before the dinner.

Finally, you should think about how you can do all of this and still keep your cool. You may want to hire an assistant or have someone help you with all ‘the to do’ lists. However, you may find that you don’t trust anyone to be responsibly enough, but you should at least give people a try.

Tips for New Years Eve Party Planning

May 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Great Event Planning Tips

New Years Eve is an exciting holiday for many. It is traditionally one of the holidays in which most people participate in parties with friends and family members. While going to parties is a great deal of fun, it is also a lot of fun to host your own New Years Eve party as well. It is definitely a lot of work to plan a memorable party but it is a great deal of fun as well. This article will offer a few basic tips for planning a New Years Eve party. These tips should be useful for both novice party planners as well as those who have a great deal of experience in planning parties for their friends and relatives.

The first step in planning any party including a New Years Eve party is to consider your guest list. This is important because it will help you to determine where to hold the party. For example if you have a fairly small home and want to host a party for over one hundred people, you will obviously have to consider hosting the party either in a much larger house or even in a catering hall or restaurant. When you are planning your guest list, you should figure each solely guest will likely bring a date with them. This is only reasonable and it would be considered tacky to tell guests they are not able to bring a date to the party.

Deciding whom to invite is not the only concern here. You should also consider how you plan to invite your guests. You have a number of options here. The most traditional way to invite guests to a party is to mail out invitations to each individual guest or married couple you plan to invite to the party. The invitations should include all of the pertinent information including date, time and location and should also include instructions for responding to the invitation. These instructions should include a deadline for responding and a method of responding such as calling by phone or sending an email.

Other options for sending invitations include calling the guests or sending out an electronic invitation via email. Although paper invitations were considered the only method for awhile, it is now considered acceptable to send out other non traditional invitations for any party or event.

Once you have determined the number of guests and the location of the party, it is time to consider the food and beverages for the party. Since most New Years Eve parties start rather late in the evening, appetizers and cocktails make an excellent idea for food. However, if you plan to start your New Years Eve party at an earlier time such as five or six o’clock in the evening, you should consider having more substantial food at your party. You might opt for an elaborate sit down dinner or include a buffet in your party.

Still another food option for New Years Eve parties is to host a brunch on New Years Day. You may offer finger foods, appetizers and cocktails in the evening and early morning but then start serving breakfast items as the sun starts to rise. This allows the party to go on a little longer because guests do not start leaving because they begin to get hungry.

When planning a New Years Eve party you should also consider the type of entertainment you plan to provide at the party. You might consider hiring a band for the duration of the party or for only a few hours during the party. Other entertainment ideas include have a DJ or playing your own recorded music. More elaborate and less traditional ideas for entertainment include hosting a murder mystery or hiring an improve group to perform. These are both fun ideas for entertainment because they get all of the guests involved in the fun.

The First Step In Event Planning – Choosing The Invitations

May 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Great Event Planning Tips

Whenever you throw a party the first thing you consider is who you are going to invite. The guest list is important because the number of people attending has a direct impact on the venue and also on the menu. Whether you’ve hired someone to do your event planning for you, or you’ve taken on the task yourself, it’s important to make a list of the invitees and then decide on the best method of asking them to attend.

If the event is a wedding, formal invitations are sent out months before the big day. Generally the bride and the groom visit a stationary store. If you do have the benefit of having a professional helping with the event planning, they may attend as well. Once there, you’ll peruse various books with samples of wedding invitations. There are so many choices that the decision can seem almost overwhelming.

Once a style is chosen, an order is placed for the appropriate number of invitations based on your guest list. If you’re tackling the job of addressing all the envelopes yourself, it’s a good idea to ask for the assistance of someone you know with excellent handwriting. If someone is handling the event planning, they may secure the services of a calligrapher who will complete the envelopes for you. This is the preferred method by many engaged couples because it adds a simple elegance to the invitation.

If your event is just as important but on a smaller scale, as in a birthday party, you can approach invitations several ways. There are many event planning websites on the internet that offer templates for birthday invitations. A parent can download one of these and fill in the pertinent information, even personalizing the invitations for the children. Children enjoy this because they automatically feel special when they see their name on the card announcing the party. If you’ve hired a professional to handle the event planning for the party, they might suggest an alternative for invitations or they may just request the guest list and handle the invitation design and mailing themselves.

The same approach is often taken for events such as wedding showers or baby showers. The invitations are designed to reflect the occasion. Anyone who has ever received a baby shower invitation appreciates the added benefit of a gift registry being mentioned in the invitation. Event planning services generally can aid the expectant parents in setting up their gift registry. It’s a wise idea because new parents normally need so many small things, and allowing the guests to choose from a list makes the gift buying part of the event much easier.

Regardless of your event, if invitations are appropriate, it’s important to get them out early and ask the invitees to respond regarding whether or not they can attend. This is essential for proper event planning because once you have a good idea of the size of the crowd; you can successfully plan on the other details that will make your party the best it can be.

How To Create Events That People Talk About!

May 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Great Event Planning Tips

When you are trying to create a great event that people will remember, you will want to put a lot of hard work into it. You have to be willing to use your creative side to make this something that will keep people talking for a long time to come. There are so many different things that you can do in order to make an event special. All you have to do is make sure that you are able to get the supplies and the help that it takes to make your event great. With these things, you can really turn some heads.

There are so many things that you will have to do for a special event. The first thing that you need to do is set a date. Once you have the date in place, you will then have to find the perfect place to hold the event. You will want something that will hold the expected amount of people that will be there as well as be comfortable and appealing to the eyes as well. You will want to shop around until you find the perfect place that will work for you and your needs.

After you have the date and the place, you will then want to stick to your budget. You will want to think about the amount of money that you can spend and then go from there. You want to allow yourself enough for your budget so that you can get everything needed on your list. This will be the best way to start the planning process.

You will then want to advertise your event. You need to make sure that everyone that is being invited gets an invitation early. You want them to make sure they have enough time to rvsp to the special party. This will also allow you extra time to get ready for the number of people that are defiantly coming to the event. You can also advertise the party with the newspaper, emails, and even flyers. These are all very good ways to get your event advertised at a great bargain.

The entertainment is very important to an event as well. You want to have something for everyone. You will defiantly want to have a great beginning and end to your party. This will keep the guests talking about the time they had for a long time to come. You will also want to make sure that the entertainment is appropriate to the guests that are there. It is important to keep them interested while they are supporting your event and with the right entertainment, you will have great response.

Use a time line to keep thing rolling at the event. You want to have everything in place and a special time allotted for them. You need to keep the night jam packed full of fun. You do not want the party to get dull or boring at anytime. This will only make your guests restless and wandering what is going to happen next. You should think of ways to keep the night on a great pace and to make sure the guests are satisfied with all the entertainment that you have offered.

Keep organized. You need to make sure that you have everything under control. You need to make sure that you have taken care of all the things that have to be done so that nothing is missing. You will also want to be sure that you have personally made sure that all the details are taken care of so that nothing is missed. When you do find that you may have forgotten something, you should make the necessary arrangements to fix the problem and get it under control.

With the right people running the event, you should have no problems at all. You may want to make sure of this by hiring an event planner. You will need to make room in your budget and if you do not have the budget for it, you may want to find someone to help you along the way. This can be anyone that you trust that will make sure all the details are taken care of and to take a little bit of the stress off of you. You will certainly appreciate the help and everything will be perfect for your event.

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