Effective Ways To Negotiate With Your Event Suppliers

May 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Planning Event on Budget

There are many things that will go into making a great event happen. You have to be ready to take on anything and go for the best that you can. There are so many ways to make sure that you have the best event ever. However, you will find that it takes money to do all these things.

Getting your suppliers to give you a little bit of break on your materials and the other things that you need will be a great way to save money. All you have to do is be willing to barter with them and try and make the best deal possible.

  • The first thing that you can do is ask they them to give you a break on your materials and supplies. This will be a great way to save money and to get the things that you need at the same time. You will find it easier to get these things fast so that you can make your event great.
  • Another way to negotiate with your event suppliers is to get them to sit down with you and talk it over. You would want to be face to face with them so that you can describe the type of savings that you are after. This will be a great way to talk to them directly so that they can see what you need.
  • You can also know prices of the other places that you could use if they do not come through. Most of the time a supplier will want to get the sale and they do not want to chance their competition beating them out. They will usually lower their price so that you will take their offer.
  • If your event is for a charity reason, you can talk to the suppliers and let them know this. You may be able to make them a deal so that their name is included in the people that are supporting the event. This is a great way to get their name out there for others to see and they may cut you a great break on the prices.
  • Get a great negotiator. You will want to have someone that is not afraid to ask for a discount. You want to make sure that the person that is helping you is going to be willing to ask for a great deal. You will want them to be very open and able to negotiate with the suppliers so that the materials are a lot less costly.
  • Go around and try and find bargains or even free items that will help you with your event. This is a good way to try and find things that you do not have to pay for. You will actually be surprised at how much you can get for free by people and organizations that are willing to help you out. This is a great way to get exactly what you want and need for your next event.

You do not have to worry about things being so incredibly expensive when you are trying to pull an event together. You want to be able to keep your budget and make things happen so that you can have the best time ever.

8 Key Factors Of A Successful Event Planner – Learn To Pick Wisely

May 10, 2013 by  
Filed under  Featured, Planning Event on Budget

Planning an event is a big job. No matter what type of event it is, you will find that there is a lot of different things that you have to make sure get done. You need to be focused and ready to take on this type of challenge when it comes to planning an event. If you are not able to handle it all yourself, you will want to think about hiring an event planner to make it a little bit easier.

There are a few different key factors that are important when you are trying to find a successful event planner. You need to think about the person that you are hiring and what they can do for you. You have to learn to pick and choose your event planner wisely so that you are not finding yourself in a bad situation later on.

  1. You will want to make sure that you are getting a highly successful event planner to take care of your next event. You need to make sure that you are finding someone that is ready to take on a challenge and do the best job that she can for you. You want them to be devoted and able to help you though anything that is thrown your way.
  2. You want a professional. You want to have someone help you with your next event that has the extensive training that is necessary to make the most of the event. You need to have someone that you can count on that has the experience that you need to make this the best ever. You can make the event highly successful and very professional when you have help that matches your needs.
  3. Getting a professional event planner that pays attention to detail is very key. This is one of the most important key factors in making an event a great success. You will want to have the person helping you very interested in making you happy. You need them to be very efficient and willing to do what you need them to.
  4. You will want to interview your event planner to make sure they are the person that you feel comfortable with. You want to have someone help you with your special event that you can trust and get to know. They will want to be make your event the best that it can be and give you all that you are looking for and maybe even a little bit more. You will be surprised at the amount of help you can get from your wedding planner when you chose them well. Ask them important questions that you are going to need to know. You want to make the most of this time and get to know them very well.
  5. The person that you are hiring to take care of your event will have to know the financial part of the business. They will have to be willing to make sure that they take care of all the business transaction s that have to be dealt with so that you can get the event rolling on the right budget. They will have to be aware of the process and that they have to stay within the budget to keep on track.
  6. Get the references that you need to make a good decision about the event planner that you need. You want to make sure that you have someone that is going to have former clients that are happy with their work. You want to contact these people and find out what they like and disliked about the event planner. This will help you make a better decision as to who is the right person for the job.
  7. You will also need to make sure that the event planner is able to get word of your special event out there. You want them to be able to get the advertising part of the business out there for everyone to know about. You want to get as many people to your event that you can. This will mean a lot of hard work and effort to go into the great event that you have been planning and waiting for.
  8. Price. This is one of the most important things that you need to consider before you hire an event planner. You want to make sure that you are getting someone that you can afford to do the job. You want to get an event planner that is going to be in your budget and also be very good. You do not want to pay for someone that you do not think will get the job done. However you also want to make sure that you are getting someone that you can trust and feel good about the price at the same time.

Working Successfully With Your Event Planner

May 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Planning Event on Budget

Having a great event may mean that you have to work with an event planner. They may the key to making sure that you have the most fun that you can have and that everything goes as planned. You want to make sure that you are able to have the best fun that you can have so that you and all of your guests are satisfied with the party.

  1. You will first want to be careful with the hiring of your event planner. You will want to make sure that you are getting an event planner that will work with you and be a great profit to you and your event. You will need to make sure that you are able to get along well with them so that the event can go as planned.
  2. You will then want to make sure that you are using all the resources that you can to make up a great plan for the event. You will want to have a great method of communication so that you are able to get down to business. You will want to have a great amount of communication so that you both can get the event planned as necessary.
  3. Take all of the ideas into consideration. You will want to find the most effect ideas as possible and figure out what will work best for you. This is a great way to make sure that you are getting all the best ideas so that you are able to have the best event planned. You will both have a lot of great ideas for the event and you will then have to choose which ones you want to use.
  4. Have fun while you are working together with your event planner. You want to keep the fun and excitement there when you are trying to plan the most effective and creative event that you can. There are many different things that you can do to keep the process of working together as fun as possible and entertaining.
  5. Keep your motivation up when you are working with an event planner. You will want to be ready to take on anything and keep working at it. You will need to make sure that you are able to keep the fun and excitement up so that you are able to stay focused and keep the momentum up at the same time. This is a great way to keep the ideas flowing and to make sure everything is running in the right direction.

With some hard work and determination, you can have a great relationship with your event planner and keep things moving along as planned. This is a great way to make sure that you are doing all that you can to keep the event process running as planned. You will find it a great way to stay organized and to get the event ready for the best time ever.

An event planner is someone that is hired by you and you are the one that is going to pay him or her. You will want to make sure that you are able to keep the event on track as you have planned so that you are able to stay in control as well as get the help that you need to make the event great.

When You Need To Hire An Event Planner?

May 10, 2013 by  
Filed under  Featured, Planning Event on Budget

Planning a party is not always easy for everyone. It can be something that is a lot of hard work and may even be a little tiring to some. When you are trying to plan the party that has everything that you are looking for and so much more, you may want to have a professional help you with all the things that you have to do.

Having an event planner help you with our special occasion is something that you may not think you need, but you may be wrong. When you have a lot of things to do and not enough time to do them all in, you will want to make sure that you have the help that you need to get it all done in time.

Getting an event planner can also help you find different ideas that you could not get on your own. You will appreciate the ideas that you can get from an event planner that has a lot of different experience with planning a great party. They will be able to bring some fun and flair to your night and make it the best that it can be.

Hiring an event planner is nothing to be worried about. You will find that it can be something that will make your party a great success. Finding an event planner is not something that will be too hard either. There are many people that are looking to help you out with your next event. You will be able to check out the different options that you have and go from there. You will see that there are all different types of planners that come with different prices as well. It will depend on the type of party and amount of work that needs to be done.

You will find that the larger parties are going be difficult to take on by yourself. You will want to have someone that you can rely on and trust to make the difficult decisions about things that have to be done. You will the skill of an event planner to make this great time even better. Memories are the one thing that many people like to have of special occasions and you will want all of your memories to be great.

Weddings are an event that will probably call for an event planner to take charge. There are many preparations that need to be done and you will find it a lot easier to get help for them. When you have someone to take on all the problems that happen and take the stress off you, you will be able to sit back and enjoy more of the process instead of worrying about it all the time.

Surprise parties and larger sized birthday parties may also call for an event planner to help. Getting someone to find the place, food, entertainment, and all the hard to deal with problems that can happen with a party is going to take a lot of pressure off of you. You will want to have a good time at the party too and not be stressing over the things that need to be done. That is what you are going to pay the event planner to do.

After the party is over with and you have had the best time ever, you will then have to decide if you want to fess up and let everyone know your secret about the event planner, or let them think that you did it all on your own. Either way, you will feel good about the choice you made and actually be excited about the next party you have to plan.

Managing Your Events – Once You Know The ” Why”, The”How” will Present Itself

May 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Great Event Planning Tips

Getting the right information to make your event great is not always easy. You will want to be informed so that you can do everything that you need to so that you are in control of the event and so that it can be a great success for you and your cause.

You will first want to come up with a great idea for your event. This will give you the how to get the party started. You will be amazed at how easy it all is after you have this part started. You will get to get the event moving in the right direction when you are sure of the vision that you have for the event. You will want to start setting your goals and getting on track with the things that have to be done.

You will then have to determine what is necessary for a great party. You will want to start with your budget. You need to find a way of keeping the money on track and staying within your budget. You do not want to spend too much money on one thing and then not have enough for everything else. You will have to make sure that you follow up with the set amount that you have for spending.

You should then contact the different places where you can hold your event. You will want to choose the best possible places so that you are getting the most for your money. You will want to have a great place where all your guests can be comfortable. You will then want to make sure that you are reserving the place where you want your event to take place. You will want to make sure that it is suitable for your party and the budget that you are on.

You will then want to find out why a great event is so important. If you are trying to raise money for someone or something, you will need to make sure that you are able to get all the facts to why you are going to have to do a great job. You want to have a successful event so that you are able to raise money and make the most of your great event that is going to take place. You will want to do your best and create a special occasion that everyone will enjoy.

Make sure that you have the right equipment and all the materials for your event. You will want to be sure that you are getting everything that you need for a great price. You will not want to over spend and not have enough for the other things that are important. You will want to get the best bargains that you can so that you are going to be able to spend on the other things that you need.

Find people to help support your event. You may be able to get donations and other funding from other people. You can use your resources and pull them together so that you are able to have money and help that is very important to making this party the best ever. You can ask different organizations for help so that you are able to have what you need to make your event the best ever.
Get your invitations out early so that people are aware of the party. Keep after the guests to make sure that they are attending. You want them to all feel welcome so that you are making the event the most successful that you can. You will want to be sure to get the date and event out there in the public so that you are hitting every possible lead. You will find that some methods of advertising are more effective than others and you will need to choose what type of method you think is best for your cause.

Event Suppliers/Vendors: They Can Make Or Break Your Event! – Learn How To Choose Wisely

May 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Planning Event on Budget

You have to be careful when you are trying to plan a great event. You need to make sure that you are using the right vendors that are there to help you. There are many different people out there that want to take your money and you need to make sure that you are protecting yourself and your event when you decide to use them.

Planning the perfect event for any reason is something that anyone wants to do. It is not always easy, however it is something that you have to take seriously because you will want to make sure that you are getting the most for your money. You want to get the most for your money, but yet still put on a great event.

Shop around for prices on what you need. For example, if you need fifty table clothes, don’t get them at the first store that you come to, call at least three suppliers and ask their prices on that same item. That item could be just $1 cheaper at another store, and shipped free, compared to paying $1 more for each table clothe and to have to pay shipping as well.

Look for items that you can reuse at other events. For example, go back to the back to the table clothe order. Will you be able to launder the items, cheap, and reuse them again at another event? This is a good idea is you are going to be an event planner or put on a lot of different events in the next few months or years. While it could be a little more costly up front instead of using paper, you have to look at the number of times you can use these table clothes, and the price you would pay each time if you were to use paper. Remember, savy affairs and events are not the place for paper anyway, so you might end up buying paper table clothes for four events, and then still have to purchase those linens for another event.

A supplier can make or break your event, just by not showing up. You need to keep a list of supplies, that are local so that just in case you find your supplier doesn’t ship or doesn’t show, you can purchase what you need, without waiting. You always need a backup plan. For example, the 125 paper table clothes you orders online that are blue and green, can you get them anywhere else locally, within fifty miles, even if it costs more? If your supplier doesn’t show, or doesn’t ship and it is the day of the event, you need to send someone to your backup, and get what you need. Don’t let anyone hold you up from being successful.

Hold people to their contracts, to what you ordered. If you ordered 100 green cloth napkins and 40 black napkins for centerpieces, and your shipped the products but in backwards amounts, call the supplier. Tell them you want a big discount or you are going to refuse to accept the shipment. Make your point known. If you have to put up with items that are wrong, then get a discount; get money back on the overall deal. Make it or break it, that is all a name of the game. You can be strong with vendors, remember you are paying their bill and you don’t have to pay for what is right. Make the vendor or supplier work for your money.

You should avoid vendors and suppliers who are always running late. Avoid suppliers that do not deliver what you order, and in the quantities that you always order. Keep a running list of suppliers that will put you on top of everything from forks, to tables, to food, to lighting and candles. Always know where you bought the item last, and at least one other supplier for that item so your events will ‘go off’ without a hitch.

8 Ways To Work Successfully With Your Event Venue

May 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Planning Event on Budget

You need to find a way to work very successfully with your event venue. You want to make this great event work the best that it cam. You will of course have some problems happen with your event planning, but you want things to go as good as they possibly can.

  1. The first way to work with your event venue is to try and reach your goals. You want to set goals for your event and try and make them all happen. You want to use as much information as you can so that you can have the best possible event that you can.
  2. You will want to do a lot of research for your event venue. You want to try and reach the maximum potential that you can so that you are not left with a bad event planning process. You want to use the most information that you can so that you can have the right ideas for your party and get a great response as well.
  3. You should try to incorporate as much fun and excitement into your next event planning process as you can. There is no sense in having a party if you are not going to include fun. You will want to make sure that you are reaching the most fun that you can for your event planning processes. Find ways to bring life and entertainment to your event without breaking your budget.
  4. Make sure that you are on a budget. This is very important. You want to be on a good budget that you feel good about so that you are not spending too much money. You do not want to break your budget and end up losing money in the end.
  5. Get all your friends and other members of the planning process ready to work. You will want them to be there for you and ready to pitch in to make this event even better. You cannot have enough help when it comes to planning the perfect event. You will feel better and get to relax a little more when you have more help.
  6. Add some flair to your next event. You want to add a little bit of fun and entertainment to your next party. Keeping people interested in your event is not always easy. You want to make sure that you are getting them ready for a night of fun and keep their interest in your event.
  7. Advertising up your party is very important. You want to reach a lot of different people so that you are getting the maximum amount of interest into your party. You will have a better response when you are advertising in the newspaper, by mail, email and any other way that you can think of.
  8. Do not get worked up. This is the most important thing that you can do to make your great event go better. You will want to make sure that you are putting a lot of hard work into your event, but you do not wan to over work yourself. Remember to have fun and do not be afraid to relax.

Remember, having a great event is not going to be easy, but with the right planning and a little bit of fun, you can have the best event ever.

8 Ways To Incorporate Entertainment Elements Into Your Events Without Spending A Bomb!

May 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Planning Event on Budget

When it comes to entertainment, you should try to provide it without having to spend a lot of money. You can find many ways to incorporate entertainment into the event without spending a bomb by following some of the following tips. These tips should be helpful to either help generate your own money saving ideas or they might be the solution that you seek.

The first option that you have is to ask some of the local celebrities to help host or show up at the event. When you do this, you can ask them to donate their time or even a few minutes to the event. It will help the charity sell tickets and you can find some good entertainment without having to pay a thing. If that doesn’t help, you may want to still take advantage of your local community.

When it comes to the bank or singer, you should look in your local community. You will be surprised at what kind of entertainment that you can find and you will also thank yourself for finding a band or singer with a low rate. Most of the time, the local bands will work events in order to get their name out there and for exposure. You may need to give them a free dinner, but it beats having to spend thousands of dollars on entertainment. You will find plenty of ways to cut the entertainment costs, but nothing like hiring some locals.

If you really do want to get a celebrity you can go about it in two ways. First, you can always have a celebrity come to the event purely to donate a few minutes. This will be a free service for them, but also a tax deduction. Just because they aren’t donating their money, they are donating something of significance. You should also think about raising money to hire someone.

If you get a committee together and have everyone donate some money in order to have entertainment, you will be able to get practically any star to show up. If celebrities aren’t your thing, then you can always just the money you put together to hire some local unknowns or to help out with the event planning in general.

When it comes to hiring a band or a DJ, you need to think about a few things. Not only to you have to pay one guy, but all the band mates. When you hire a DJ you only have to pay for one or two people to set time aside for you. You should also know that DJs usually come with their own permits, if you have a band you may need to find someone to get you a permit for the performance. Usually, a DJ only takes a little bit of your space up too, a band can take a whole room up depending on its size.

However, if you have your heart set on a performer, you should think about paying for them to play for an hour or two. This way you don’t have to pay for the night, but just for a few hours. This will cut your entertainment costs in half. This is a good thing to keep in mind when your budget seems to be getting smaller and smaller. When you rent a band for an hour or two, you can keep things going great and not have to worry about the costs.

If you really want to make things memorable, you might want to think about things like hiring a comedian or some other person to perform an act other than music. This way you can put some humor into the event and everyone will laugh the night away. It will also make things seem more comfortable when it comes to serious matters. A joke can go a long ways, but it may not with every budget.

You may just want to sit down and think about what your resources are and if you have any connections. You may find that someone knows someone who can do you a favor. You never know what you will find when you pull the committee together.

8 Ways To Get Attendees To Your Events

May 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Planning Event on Budget

When you plan an event, you want to make sure that everyone is going to attend it. You do not want to do all that work for nothing. It is important that you have your event planned out well and this will include everything right down to the invitations. You want to have your guests learn about the event in plenty of time so that they can attend it.

  1. The first way to get your attendees to your event is to make the invitations look great. You want your invitations to be exciting and bring some expectation to what they can have when they come to your event. You want them to get excited about coming.
  2. Another way to get your guests to come is to advertise the event. You want to make sure that you are putting up the appropriate signs and getting the date and time out there for people to see. You want people to feel like they are welcome to come and enjoy the fun and excitement of your special event and this is one way to do just that.
  3. You may also want to send email invitations to people about your special event. This is good way to make sure that people hear about your planned event and let them know fast. You can reach a lot of people by email and in a matter of a few minutes. This is a great way to make sure that everyone hears about your party and you will get the word out there fast.
  4. Talk up the event. This means that you want to tell people what a great time this event is going to be and what they can expect. You want people to wander about the great party and want to come along for the fun. This is something that will entice their interest and get them wanting to come along. You will find that by talking up the great party, you will have more people show up.
  5. Tell your friends to tell their friends about the great event. Make sure that you are telling everyone to share the word and to let others know what a great time this is going to be. Tell them to hit upon some of the wonderful things that they will be able to expect at the grand event. This will really get them wanting to show and if they are not invited, they may ask to be.
  6. Advertise your event. You can put ad in the newspaper and on the television if the funds are there for you to do so. You can do this and you will be surprised at how many people you will be able to reach with your event. You will see that you are getting the news out there and getting the word across so that you can get more people aware of the fun that you are planning.
  7. Put flyers in papers that are seen in your church, local organizations and many other places. You will be able to make up an interesting flyer that will catch the eyes of many onlookers and they will want to come to your event.
  8. You may even want to have your special event written in the sky if you want. You can hire a sky writer to do the work for you. This is a great idea and one that will get your word across. You may also want to have your great even written on pieces of paper and floated away on with a balloon into the sky. This is a great idea and one this is cheap and very cool at the same time.

7 Ways For An Easy & Hassle-Free Meeting Planning

May 10, 2013 by  
Filed under Planning Event on Budget

When it comes to meetings, you have to come fully prepared and ready to state your side and then show all the documentation that you have used and collected. There are basically seven ways for you to have an easy and hassle free meeting plan.

The first thing that you must do is think about everything that you will need. Make sure that if you need an overhead projector that it is set up in the room before the meeting starts. You may want to come to the meeting an hour or two head and set the room. You need to make sure that all the equipment that you use is good and works. This is the time for you to set up the rest of the room. You may need to rearrange the furniture and other things to make sure that everyone can comfortably see the presentation. You may also want to take this time to set your table up. If you have folders or handouts that you would like to share with your associates, you may want to leave them at the end of the table or around the table.

Before you go to set up the meeting room, you should have an agenda. If it is your meeting and you are in charge, make sure that you have an agenda so that everyone knows exactly what the meeting is about. You can send them in emails or by fax so that everyone knows exactly what to come prepared for. This will make your meeting go smoothly because all the facts and documents that the group will need will be present. Since everyone will be aware of what the discussion is about they will come prepared with all their notes and facts.

If you are conducting the meeting, you will need a speech. You don’t have to write a complete speech, but take note cards to remind you of the key points. This way you don’t overlook a vital piece of your presentation. You can keep your note cards in your hands during the meeting, or you can leave them on the podium for reference.

If you aren’t sure how long the meeting is going to be, you may want to cancel all your other meetings and dates for the rest of the day. This way you don’t feel like you have to rush the presentation or meeting. Also, the other people whom you had set a schedule with will also appreciate the gesture.

When you go to set up the meeting, you should go through a practice run. This way you can calm your nerves and deliver a great speech. Also, you will know exactly what your speech will take time wise, so you can have a guess to how long the meeting will be. Then you can call your secretary and cancel any meetings that you may need to.

Finally, the last tip that you should follow when it comes to giving a hassle free meeting is to talk to your secretary and ask them to hold any unimportant calls. However, you should talk to them what an emergency is. Unless it pertains to your family, then you should never accept any calls during the meeting. If you do decide to take a call, then you should leave the room and ask someone else to take over for a minute or ask the group to think about your presentation so far and you’ll come back to clear any misunderstands once you’ve taken the call.

All these tips should help you have a smooth meeting and come to the meeting well prepared. When you go to a meeting prepared, the meeting will go as good as possible for you and your team or company.

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